Friday, September 5, 2008

Baby?!?...... No baby...... Yet

So just a quick update... no baby. Wednesday night when I got home from dance, I started feeling contractions, but in my head they didn't seem hard enough or consistant enough to be real labor, so I pretty much just ignored them. Steve and I started getting ready for the baby to come, since we are pretty sure she will come soon, so we went out to the stores to shop for some essentials that we hadn't bought yet. While we were shopping I told Steve we were going to play a game.. Everytime I started having a contraction, I would tell Steve, and he would look at the clock. He would calculate how far apart the contractions were, and then NOT tell me, cause I didn't really want to know. So I started with the first one, and then I told him when the second one came around. True to his word, he didn't tell me how long it was in between the contractions. Until I beat it out of him.... I really did want to know. 8 minutes. Ok... so even if these were consistant, it wasn't enough to rush to the hospital or anything... so I got distracted. We kept shopping and then I felt another one come on and I told him. He looked at his phone and looked up at me with surprise... 8 minutes. And every contraction after that was consistantly 8 minutes apart....for the next 3 hours. Come on people!!! IS THIS NOT LABOR?!?! I guess not... cause after those exciting 3 hours, I still had contractions but they were ridiculously random, for about 2 hours, and then they just went away. I have woken up the next two mornings with MAJOR pressure, and a few contractions that last ALL DAY... but nothing as exciting. So we are still just waiting... and waiting... and waiting.


Heather Stott said...

Thanks for the update, with my pathetic life I was hopeing you had posted something! I appreciate it! It is definitly exciting! Good luck! your body is getting ready I am telling you! don't be too frustrated, patients is the key these next few weeks will go by the slowest I am sure! again, keep me posted! Are you still working?

Anonymous said...

She'll come - and early. Don't worry. I will be absolutely shocked if she doesn't come early!!

Sarah said...

I was reading up on the different kinds of contrations there is false labor, true labor, and Prodromal Labor. I think you are experiencing Prodromal labor, which basiclly says what you already know. Your body is getting ready for the big event. It also mentioned these types of contrations can least only a few hours before labor begins, or they can last a whole month. I guess at least you will know at this point what they mean by longer, stonger, faster.

Kevin, Kelsey and Annalise.... said...

Lillian is on her way!!! That is so exciting....atleast you know not to rush to the hospital every time you feel a contraction. But it sounds like it will be soon...I can't wait!

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