Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Ok check out the last couple of posts... they are new too! Anyway, on Christmas day we drove all the way to LA for Steve's Cousin Dave's wedding! On our way we hit 2 more storms! Right after Mesquite we hit a ridiculous rain storm with the worst wind you have ever felt! And then in the mountains in California we hit yet another snow storm. Like I said though, Steve is an amazing driver so we made it through no problem! We stayed at our brother-in-laws parents house. They are the nicest people ever! We were taken care of so well! They even helped pay for gas! It seriously was so nice! And Lilly got to meet her cousin Annalise.. who is ridiculous cute right now! She just walks around pointing at stuff asking "What's this!" Oh I can't wait till Lilly can talk! Or even walk! Or even just sit by herself!

The wedding was beautiful! I wish we would have been able to go through the temple and seen the celestial room, but the sealing room was gorgeous! It was a beautiful day too...

The next day we went to the mall and Steve got a new haircut! He went in and was just going to get the cheapest haircut... just simple cut and done... Well, he got this guy and we were sure that he was gay... totally flirted with Steve the whole time! Gave him this sexy new hair cut, styled it for him, trimmed his eyebrows, all this stuff. Then this other girl hairdresser walks over to Steve and says in his ear "I'm drunk." And then of course she had to explain herself, so she stays around and flirts with my husband along with this gay dude! They finish and I walk in and both of them just stared at me... and not really in a friendly way... But it was worth it! They got him to do a faux-hawk! I've been trying to get Steve to do that forever and he finally did!

Then we went to Dave and Melissa's reception, which was so much fun! I'm so glad my husband dances at weddings! We have so much fun! Melissa is mexican so they had this thing... I think it might have been tradition or something, but Melissa stood in the middle of this circle and went around pointing at different people and danced with them! It looked so cool! Steve went in the circle but I couldn't cause I was taking care of Lilly (who by the way... loved dancing.. even though it was loud and lights and jumping up and down... I think it's because that is probably what it was like in my tummy!) Anyway, it was really cool!

When we went out there I told Steve that if we didn't get to go to the beach, I would be really dissapointed! So on Sunday, before we left, I made him take us to the beach. Idon't know what it is about it, but I just love it! It's so peaceful! Lilly didn't really have a reaction to it... We had to wake her up to see it. She kinda liked the sand... and she didn't cry when the cold ocean touched her toes!

So on our way out of California, we hit traffic... the entire way out of California. We left LA at probably like, 1 in the afternoon, and didn't get to Vegas till almost midnight. We got to St. George at 1:30 am and decided to rest at my parents house for an hour and a half since Steve had to be to work at 7 am. We finally made it home at around 8 o clock, and poor Steve had to go straight to work, only to find out that they had switched his schedule to nights now, and he wasn't really supposed to be there till 4. However they didn't tell Steve this, or the day trainer, so that guy wasn't there to teach his class, so Steve had to stay and train that class... it was a total mess. But in the end, we were still glad that we went... we had a really good time!


Danielle Christiansen said...

I am so glad you guys had such a great time. I miss the ocean so much.
Thank you so much for fixing my laptop. You dont know how much I appreciate it. Let me know if you guys need some haircuts.

The Slaters said...

Those are some cute pictures, I think the first one I have seen with all three of you together. I am glad you guys were able to make it through the crazy weather and had fun at the same time. That picture of Lillian and Annalise is soooooo cute. Miss you guys!!

Emmers said...

That is soooooooooo exiting for you guys!!!!!! Ellie you realy needed a break!!!

Kevin, Kelsey and Annalise.... said...

I love the sandy baby foot picture..so cute

Lauren said...

WOW! I would be ready to hit somebody after that last lil' paragraph. Sorry about that Steve! But I enjoyed the rest of your post! So cute! :D

Cami said...

Ellie, you are the winner of my Hair Bows giveaway!! Check out the latest post on babyhairbows.blogspot.com and email me with your address to get your bows! Congratz! Oh, and your daughter is ADORABLE!!

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