Tuesday, December 30, 2008


This year it was my families turn for Christmas. We wanted to drive down the day before Christmas Eve, but that didn't work out. Steve missed a final because the professor changed the day, time, and place last minute through email (and not even his personal email.. his school email that nobody even checks!) Anyway, we found out that the professor was going to be on campus Christmas Eve and he was going to let Steve take the test that day. So we stayed and waited almost half the day and never heard back from the professor. So we just decided to go. On the way down we got hit with a BAD blizzard! But Steve is an amazing driver so we got through it without even slipping once! We got down and we had a really nice Christmas dinner, and then started playing a game of Star Wars Monopoly... which lasted forever. We stayed up till 3 in the morning playing it and didn't even finish. We put it on hold so that Santa could come and bring us our gifts! Steve was the last one to wake up... we had to drag him out of bed!

We all had fun opening our presents. Steve and I got a digital photo frame! We got something else too, but after a family discussion we decided not to tell very many people about it. We also got a ton of clothes, but most of them we "opened" before Christmas... or rather never really wrapped! Lilly got a bouncy chair from Grandma Resa, and a floor matt, but we opened those a while ago too, but she opened a sweater and boots, and some other little toys! Thanks Grandma!

From Kelsey and Kevin (Steve's Sister and her husband) gave Lilly a booster chair! Lilly is sitting up but not on her own, so she can't use it just yet, but I'm so excited to use it in a little bit! We also got Narnia (the first one) which is good cause we just bought the second one from red box... ouch huh. So anyway, it was a great Christmas! After breakfast, we continued our monopoly game. Max killed both of us, because we both we stinkin rich and the game wasn't going anywhere, we decided that we would be able to add "cities and settlements" endlesslly, and since he was richer than me, I went down 10 times faster. Afterwards he made this "documentary" of it.


The Slaters said...

That sweater is so cute, she is already started to get so much bigger

Jolene said...

Hey, Love the haircut....you look good in anything.Can't wait to see you guys. I definatley think you should take a road trip to see us!

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