Thank heaven for angels..
Completely serious....
I wouldn't have made the entire day of flying without my angels to help me.
I was NERVOUS to do this trip. First time flying by myself... first time flying with a toddler.. no idea where I'm going and completely scared about Lilly screaming and crying and other people hating me because I brought the annoying toddler on the plane who won't let anyone sleep. I did not want to be that woman that everyone holds their breath as I walk down they aisle and then gives a sigh of relief when I walk by because they don't have to sit by me... but I was pretty sure it was inevitable... plus throw on that I'm always afraid of planes and especially other people getting motion sickness... Seriously I get really nervous when I even just look at a barf bag... I usually thouroughly inspect my neighbors to see if I think they will get sick... cause that many people in a tiny room with the possibility of sick... does not do good for my nerves...
Start the day of flying with several snide comments from TSA workers and ticket officers and many other airport people.... yay.. exactly what I was afraid of... getting treated crappy because Kids can be "inconvenient" and "stupid woman control your child".... blah.....
Up until the first flight.
Nancy... my first angel.
I can't believe how helpful she was! She was nervous so she held my hand through take-off and all the CRAPPY turbulance... it was a terrible flight.. we got pushed around so much! Even though she was holding MY hand cause SHE was nervous... it got me through it.
Cause I was really nervous too....
She held my drink, she entertained Lilly (who was a perfect angel by the way... she was so good it was unbelievable!) She talked to me about children and work and life and I didn't mind when she said a prayer and she didn't mind when Lilly and I said a prayer... Oh this woman was honestly sent from heaven to make this first flight bearable...She even walked me to my next gate to make sure I found it alright.
Once we found my gate, we really needed to go to the bathroom and grab something to eat. I wasn't paying attention to the time and barely made it back to catch the tail end of boarding. It was wonderful though because once we sat down we took off! This time we sat in between a middle aged woman and an older man. The woman was just in raptures over Lilly... she was just leaving her own grandchildren and so she was feeling all sentimental and LOVED Lilly. Lilly however, had a major crush on the grumpy grandpa next to us.. (he wasn't mean... it was the cute funny grumpy grandpa-type man) These two were wonderful to sit next to. They were completely helpful, holding my drinks... picking books and binky's off the floor... and even though that woman loved Lilly so much, she moved to another seat so that Lilly and I could spread out and go to sleep. The grumpy grandpa gave me a piece of gum on the descend so my ears would pop and helped me with my bags off the plane.... oh sweet angels! I had been lucky enough to have 2 wonderful flights... one more... I can do this! I had been blessed with wonderful angels who had saved me when I was in distress... and as long as I kept praying... Heavenly Father would keep sending me angels!
This next one is terrible, but here goes... we ate a cinnebon before the next flight... cause you have to eat a cinnebon when you are in an airport! We got on the plane and I had to sit by this man.... who had the worst BO I've ever smelt... That... combined with the cinnebon was making me quite nauseous... I kept looking around to see when my angel would come and save me from this moment of distress... was I really to endure this odor for another hour and a half??? YUCK!!! But right before we took off, a man offered his seat to me so that I could have a row to myself... Yet again... proof that angels exist.
Still nauseous.... and sitting by myself with my daughter... wondering what angel was going to save me from this... there was noone around but that stinky man who was across the aisle.. who kept giving me dirty looks so I was pretty sure he wasn't going to help... but who??? And quite honestly what were they going to do... was the flight attendant going to walk down the aisle with little airplane samples of pepto bismal.. .NO! It took me a minute but I came to terms with the fact that I was by myself and I was going to have to just be strong and deal with it. I looked down in my arms at my beautiful daughter who was fighting slumber... she was wonderful today... man do I love this girl... through this hectic day she was the one who kept me lighthearted and happy and kept me from going crazy all day... She is the sweetest, cutest lovable creature and I couldn't imagine flying without her. Then I realized I felt better... no nausea... Lilly... my sweet girl.. was my angel this time. She distracted me with her loveableness.
The last angel I'll talk about is the US Airways worker who even though they NEVER do this, leant us a car seat free of charge upon promise of return because when Steve came to pick us up he forgot to bring a car seat.. and who saved Lilly from opening and closing doors and crashing her stroller into walls while I filled out the paperwork for the carseat... And there were many others.... mostly older people, who offered to help me with bags... who picked up stuffed animals that fell off the stroller... who played with Lilly and made her feel comfortable and welcome.... who through just smiling let me know that they had been there before and that I will make it... My angels.....